



+381 34 201 887


+381 64 572 35 37


+381 60 3 606 316

About us

A 30 years of tradition, with the challenges and the desire to set our experience as the basis of modern tendencies and needs of modernization through the booming 21st century.

Law office Ivković provides services in the field of commercial, civil and criminal law.

In order to provide a more efficient service in the field of commercial law, we further specify corporative, labor and tax law. Civil law is further divided into inheritance law, family law, property law and contract law. Criminal matter on parts of the proceedings, such as pre-trial, investigative, judicial and special misdemeanor proceeding, all in the interest of the best service for our clients.




Areas of work

Civil Law

Idem factum – idem ius, family law, inheritance law, property law and contract law, areas that require our attention.

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Criminal Law

Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege – investigative, pre-trial, criminal and misdemeanor proceeding, it is tradition of our work.

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Commercial Law

Da mihi factum dabo tibi ius – labor, corporative and tax law the focus of acting and acquiring our new knowledge.

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Protection of personal data - GDPR

After the entry into force of the Personal Data Protection Act, and in accordance with the European Union Directive on Personal Data Protection (GDPR), public interest, but primarily all tangible entities, has expanded in this area. Although the law regulating this area was already in force, after the new ZZPL came into force on 21.11.2018. with a delayed application of nine (9) months, a focus of data protection area has expanded significantly.


Pro Bono (Corporate Social Responsibility)

Convinced that the strength of society and its stability is reflected precisely in its relation to endangered groups, this is the way how we express our regret to live and work in a more just and socially balanced society. Our pro bono work is focused on two different fields. The first is support for non-profit, non-governmental organizations in the implementation of their activities, and the second in the field of human rights and assistance to endangered groups.


Our team

Danijela Tucaković

Secretary of the office

Nevena Novčić

Lawyer trainee

Legal News

Consultations with our lawers

You can contact our lawyers by phone: +381 34 201 887

You can contact us directly or get information about our services working days from 08: 00-15: 30h, at the address at 33 / L1 Dragoslava Srejovica Street. We strive to be available to our clients and partners by e-mail every day. We are at your disposal to contact us or to schedule a consultation to get more informations from us about your rights.