Commercial Law
Da mihi factum dabo tibi ius – labor, corporative and tax law the focus of acting and acquiring our new knowledge.
- Labor law
The interior regulation of labor relations is an essential prerequisite for effective business. The existence of clear rules and the right model makes one system sustainable and visionary prevents normative problems Given the broad scope of labor law matter is a real challenge to balans the business without expert assistance. Experience in the field of labor law, both on the employers ‘and employees’ side, helps us to anticipate situations properly and coordinate them into the line with legal regulations.
Sufficient experience in the field of work gives us the ability to set up our services on a broader basis. We offer making of general and individual acts. By general acts, we help our clients to set up the foundations of their business. Experience in drafting rules of procedure helps us strategically position further services for drafting or amending individual acts in the form of decisions or decisions that refer to specific individuals.
Employment contracts are also a broad area that is increasingly changing under the influence of the dynamics of economic relations. Making new contracts or modifying existing ones covers all types of contracts, from classic full-time contracts to part-time contracts, temporary and occasional jobs contracts, vocational training and training contracts. We have particular experience in labor law disputes. In this section we represent a large number of representative trade unions in order to respect the rights based on laws and collective agreements. We make all the changes to the Labor Law, the Law on Safety at Work, the Law on Prevention of Abuse at Work. We give opinions and advice in the field of labor law relations, we advise employers on how to target their strategies and models in the field of labor law. We assist employers in creating models for all areas of labor law in order how to make their businesses more efficient and properly formulated.
- Corporative law
The area of commercial law is a broad area, which in the field of legal regulation and counseling involves several branches of law. Broad coverage is a challeng for both business and legal advisors. In the area of commercial law, we try to integrate all areas in order to provide legal advice in a timely manner and to help our clients in focus their business in accordance with legal possibilities. The main challenge in the field of commercial law is conditioned by the dynamics of relations regulated by these legal norms. The dynamics of relationships also necessitate changes in the multidisciplinary regulation in this area, so a broader perspective is required for review. To access this issue in the right way, in certain cases we hire legal advisers, but also of economic advisers from practice.
Particularly important in this area is the regulation of relations between related parties, through different types of contracts. Consulting, in agreement with the accounting of legal entities, we direct to the best interests of our clients, all with respect for positive legal regulations. We point out with in experience with software companies, transportation companies, and consulting and marketing agencies. In addition to the private sector, we also work in the public sector in a wide range of legal relations. Functioning in both sectors of the economy gives us a clear insight and experience to pragmatic legal directing the business of our clients.
- Tax Law
In recent years, thanks to the strategic orientation of the state, the field of tax law becomes more topical. The large number of laws regulating the field of tax law makes it a challenge for clients and for clients properly and economically rational behavior in this area of business. Our associates and advisers in this field are professionals who are only dealing with this challenging area.
Our office in this area is there to advises on tax issues. Since each economic area has different tax legislation, when consulting our clients we hire consultants, lawyers who deal with these challenges, but also economic experts and experts tax direction.
In addition to consulting, we also prepare and conduct expert analysis in cases of tax control of legal entities. Controlling counseling involves looking at and taking a strategic approach in these situations. Our experience is based on work in the context of administrative and criminal procedure that is intertwined in these situations. We administer and direct the administrative procedure which is conducted according to the decisions of the tax administration in accordance with our experience and also on the advice of our experts who are experts in this field. Criminal proceedings in the field of tax law involve investigations before the judicial authorities. With a professional approach, we stand out by combining these areas and protection of the best interests of our clients.
The multidisciplinary approach gives us guidelines to the legal steps and the best interests of our clients, and the professionalism and knowledge of our associates of this specialty gives us the confidence to solve all challenges.